Cerebellar Ataxia Registry Australia


What is CARe Australia?

  • The Cerebellar Ataxia Registry (CARe) is a list of people willing to be contacted for participation in clinical trials and research studies, including:

    • People with cerebellar ataxia

    • People without cerebellar ataxia (friends, family, etc) to serve as comparison participants

Why have a registry?

  • Knowing who is available helps researchers plan new studies and funding allocations

  • A registry can attract new clinical trials from drug companies

  • Efficiency linking researchers to patients improves research speed and effective use of limited research funds

What happens to my information?

  • When new studies are launched, eligible people will be contacted with more information. You can say Yes or No to any invitation

  • Only researchers with approval from official ethics review boards will have access

  • You may be contacted often, or not at all. But registering ensures you are counted!